Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Matt Is A Single Issue Voter

Matt likes to look at pictures of garbage trucks on Google's image search. He was sitting in my lap clicking away, when we landed on this entry at The Anti-Sam Brownback Blog.

The following conversation ensued:

MATT: What does it say, Mommy?

ME: Hmm... Well, this is a page from a blog critical of this guy Sam Brownback, who's going to be running for president. It says that he, uh, wants communities to use money that they'd usually spend on garbage trucks to fund the war over in-

MATT: He doesn't want garbage trucks?

ME: Well, I guess instead of-

MATT: What's he got against the garbage trucks? Who is this guy? Doesn't he know how important the garbage trucks are?! [rising fury] Why doesn't he just stay in his own neighborhood and be president over there?! He should not get to be the president of all the neighborhoods!

ME: Huh! Well, uh-

MATT: [white hot rage] His name shouldn't even be Sam Brownback! It should be Sam... Stupidback!!

[awkward silence]

ME: Well. That's quite a stance!

MATT: [sheepishly] I used the 'S' word.

ME: That's okay, honey.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


My name is Reuven Fenton. I'm a reporter with Columbia News Service in New York and saw your posting on plastic covered couches in Meta Filter.

I'm doing a story on the subject and would love to interview you if you're interested.

You can email me at



12:48 PM  
Blogger Uccellina said...

Funniest. Matt story. Every.

Except maybe for the Kate Moss one.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Uccellina said...

Ever. I meant Ever, dammit.

12:54 PM  

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